Did you ever watch Food.inc?
Well DO IT!
Maybe not just after eating and maybe not with children around, but you should!
I thought, I didn´t need an eye-opener, since I thought, I was pretty aware of what is going on
when it comes to our food.
I did see programms on TV about tomatoes growing in nurishing liquid and sponges rather than propper compost...but hey... they still taste pretty ok .. for like 99 cent for 6 of them, right?
or cettle.. I knew, there is a more comforting way for the the old cow...but then i thought, so what???
they re going to die anyway,right?
well...right and wrong.
I bought tofu today!
I am not turning vegetetarien but I didn´t feel like eating stress hormones and I just didn´t feel like chicken either...on the other hand - I could do with some antibiotics, since I have a massive cold.
There are plenty of things I bought organic in the first place, like pasta and chopped tomatoes,
sometimes flour and butter.
So, on todays list was Pasta,Passata,Pizza Base,Milk,Cheese,Yoghurt,Flour,Sugar and so on and on...
and Tofu.
That was the first step, just getting the basics and start ..
WHAT am I going to do with my Blog now?
I am letting you know, how we are getting on. How it tastes , how we are doing with our grocery bills
and how far we will go... I am thinking about having like a few chicken out the back!
I hope to keep up with all my "funny" ideas...and post them all, as well as links and tips and pictures!
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